Day 24 {Brisbane Family Photographer}

Just for the record, sometimes it’s hard for me to accept a photo the way it is without looking at it ‘all technical’, critiquing it a million times over. It’s such a painful thing at times…annoying really. I just want to look at an image (my own), past all the technicalities and flaws, and say WOW. Sometimes I can’t, so today I made this my point and am sharing a photo which is a bit hit and miss technically but just so lovely all the same.

It’s my mum with my kids. I look at it and scarcely believe that they’re my kids, with my mum! It makes me feel old (guess it would make her feel older!). I was once three, and my mum was once my age. From my mum stemmed three children (one boy, two girls) and from them, five grandchildren (with no doubt some more to come). Isn’t life Amazing!? Just a random thought really.

So here is an image that speaks from my heart…

F a c e b o o k