Monthly Archives: January 2010

Day 10 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

Byron finally lost that retched front tooth that had been hanging around far to long for my liking. Now that he officially belongs to the ‘gappy front teeth’ brigade I need to find another angle. So, here it is – captured without his permission (the only way of course). My beautiful boy and his absolutely […]

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Day 9 {Brisbane Family Photographer}

Sometimes I wonder why we decided to go and spend a heap on the best grass, Sir Walter. I mean it looks beautiful; is so cushy to stand on; loves our harsh climate, but gawd damn! It has to be mowed every freakin week in summer…yes that is EVERY WEEKEND. It’s not the smallest of […]

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Day 8 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

I really only have a handful of images of my three together – maybe 4 or could be 5. All I know is it’s really hard to get one with them all looking at the camera. Actually, it’s pretty hard in any circumstance to get a 6 year old, 3 year old and soon to […]

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