Monthly Archives: January 2010

Jett James {Brisbane Newborn Photographer}

Awwhhh I just can’t get enough of them. Newborns are the sweetest little souls. So new. So fresh. So sweet. Little Jett here, 14 days new, was a complete delight; as good as they come. He’s a perfect little man with lips to die for…

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Day 18 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

My word it was hot today – again. I think it was around 36C. We decided to let the kids play with the hose for a little while this afternoon, instead of having them sitting watching TV in the air-conditioning. We thought about a sprinkler, then realised we don’t really own one (on account of […]

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Day 17 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

*For those that are wondering what the ‘days’ are all about it – it’s a personal project I’m undertaking, to take one photo a day for the month of January. The photos are of my children mainly just doing their thing. I post one ‘official’ photo and always in black and white…just so you know!* […]

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