Some of you might recall that back in 2007 I won a Canon competition with a photo I took of Byron blowing bubbles. Approximately 3 months ago Canon approached me to ask whether they could use the photo of Byron in their latest advertising campaign. Naturally, I agreed – who wouldn’t! However, in saying that, I never really gave much consideration to the advertisement. I just assumed my photo would be a small snippet within a number of collected images – never in my wildest dream did I ever imagine the image would appear, as it has in the commercial. When I was contacted by the art director for the television compaign, I was blown away as to how they would be running their new campaign and that my image – my little Byron – would be one of the stars!
Anyway, without further ado, I thought I would share the advertisement (and just for the record, it’s not my voice – they used a voice over model).
Byron was barely five when I took the bubble portrait; a little preschooler! Now he’s growing up before my eyes. He’s going on seven. The bubble picture proudly sits as a massive canvas on my wall. I look at it daily reminiscing about him as a little guy (so cliché yet true). I don’t mind saying that now, he’s a handsome, intelligent, sometimes know-it-all little fellow. I love him dearly.
by nicolera