Day 23 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

In two short months he’ll be turning seven. I have no idea where the years went. I have sat watching Willow hoping to see glimpses of Byron in her. I’ve tried really hard to remember him so small, but alas, the memories are fleeting. People will say it goes by in a blink of an eye but until you have children, all you have to go on is your own childhood. I don’t know about anyone else, but I look back at my childhood years and think it actually went by at a nice, steady pace. When I think of being a kid, I think of long days and a million years until Christmas or a birthday rolls around.  I don’t know if its the times we live in, but to me now, life just goes…and goes. I hope for the sake of my own children, that life slows down; that the time clock freezes for a few minutes a day. I want them to enjoy childhood and the freedom and innocence that goes along with it for as long as they can.

My boy is 7 soon and I wonder, these days, how much longer he’ll have left to enjoy freedom and innocence that you only get in those childhood years.

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