Day 6 {Brisbane Photographer}

This photo a day challenge, is where I embark on the epic, personal journey to take one photograph every day for the month of January, of the things that are important to me.

I ummed and arred over the perfect image to use today. Nothing struck me as the ‘one’. I captured all sorts never really feeling they would do any kind of story justice. I sat at my computer looking through the images, sighing at my dismal effort in attempting to encapsulate something. One by one I culled the images and I was left with five, none of which were of the image I chose. They were decent photos, don’t get me wrong, but the story they yielded didn’t excite me. They were good stories, as every story is, but today, for some reason, my heart didn’t sing at the thought of sharing those stories with the world.

Back to the drawing board I went.

I tried taking some more images but again, they just did not elicit what it was I wanted to share (which I knew nothing of at the time). I was left with no other alternative but to go back to the start. I went through every image I had culled today hoping I had missed the gem that existed. And then I found it. There it was, starring at me, out of focus and all.

But perfect.

Perfect because when I look at this image, I see everything Willow is.

She’s the fairy with scraggly hair. Dressed in some of the oldest, shabbiest clothes she owns, dancing around like a whirlwind…too fast for my hasty little fingers.

She’s our firecracker. Full of wackiness and happiness all rolled into one. She’s determined and feisty, yet loveable and soft.

She’s a dreamer and a dancer. And she’s mine. Right there, dancing in front of my eyes. I remember taking this image and laughing at her incessant need to keep moving. I remember her placing Snow White down just so, because one can’t twirl, swing and hold a baby all at the same time.

It’s a story I want to remember; a story worth sharing with the world.

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