Day 12 {Brisbane Baby Photographer}

At 16 you might think you and your best mate are going to grow up, get married and have babies together. Your weddings will be a month apart (just so you can make sure each other isn’t on their honeymoon), your babies will be born at the same time (give or take a week), and you will live happily ever after.

Well, we all know you meet ‘Mr Right’ at different times; weddings take place when there’s room at the reception hall and at 16 you really know nothing about what it takes to get pregnant – besides the obvious of course. So, fast forward 15 years when ‘Mr Rights’ have been met, weddings done and dusted (4 years apart mind you) and children count 2:0 to me. So far no 16 year old fantasy is coming to fruition.

I’m getting to the crux of the story so bear with me!

No planning involved; no discussions of trying to conceive and voilĂ  pregnant at the same time – due date 7 days apart. I don’t think it could have been scripted any better even if we tried. To my pure delight I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 5 days before my best friend gave birth to hers.

They are like chalk and cheese, but best friends forever no doubt!

by nicolera


January 12, 2010 - 10:29 pm

Nicole Akhurst - Such a gorgeous pic of two beautiful girls. Love their chubbiness and big captivating eyes! You also have a beaut way with words, defintately had me captivated.

January 12, 2010 - 10:30 pm

Karen Pfeiffer - Love, love, love this. I adore little Willow, and Tilly is as pretty as a picture. Best friends forever! Lovely shot Nicole.

January 13, 2010 - 8:58 am

Natalie Bice - Oh now that is just the cutest shot Nicole. Just gorgeous.

January 13, 2010 - 3:26 pm

Natalie Walsh - Absolutley love this photo!! Great shot Nicole.

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