Day 20 {Brisbane Family Photographer}

When I grew up, I grew up without grandparents. I had no Nanna; no Grandma; no Grandad or even a Poppy. I had no grandparents to call my own. I missed out on the extra special squishy cuddles, the secret treats when mummy said no, the love that moves generations. At the time I knew no different, but now, as a parent, I can see what was missing. I can see it so clearly because my three little cherubs have the squishy cuddles, the special treats and more love then you can poke a stick at. That makes me happy.

In our household, Wednesday equals ‘Grandma day’. For as long as my kids can remember (and I hope they do) every Wednesday is a day spent with Grandma (their daddy’s mum). Grandma takes Byron to, and picks him up from, school. Lily gets to go to swimming lessons with Grandma and then she gets extra special attention. Soon it will be Willow’s turn too. Wednesday equals Grandma day and if the plans should change then they’re not happy. They love their Grandma!

by nicolera


January 21, 2010 - 11:47 am

Kristi James - That is so precious and how special! We are far from the grandma’s and grandpa’s so my kiddos are missing out on this. I can’t wait to move back closer to them. Great capture, and what a great tradition!!!

January 23, 2010 - 9:49 pm

Jen Stocks - Grandparents are the most special gift. They really are. I love what you have written, and love this image.

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