Day 22 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

Byron is getting to that age now where he no longer likes to have baths. He does with his sisters some times but mostly he’s a big boy now (all 6 years going on 10) and he takes a shower. He’s got this bad habit of turning the water on to ‘heat up’ and then walking away and doing something else. Rather annoying and lets not mention how water-wise it is (or should I say not). Anyway I digress, I caught him in the shower this evening giving himself a mohawk whilst shampooing. He’s always doing funny stuff like that. He sings a lot in there too – if you can call making all weird, crazy sounds singing. I’ll freely admit he inherited my singing voice or lack there of. Bless him though – he wears his mohawk well! 

January 23, 2010 - 9:47 pm

Jen Stocks - Too cool for school. GOD he is cool, and handsome…

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