Monthly Archives: January 2010

Day 16 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

I’m always pinching her little bum. It’s perfectly her. Soft and squishy and all things delightful. That’s all…

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Cheeky Monkeys {Brisbane Baby Photographer}

I had the pleasure of capturing some beautiful images of these beautiful boys a few days ago. Little Max is only 4 months old and for all accounts it’s a pretty hard age to photograph. I find indoors works best. Since it was about him, we shot indoors. Little Max was all smiles though – […]

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Day 15 {Brisbane Baby Photographer}

Tiny hands grow so fast Their awkward groping soon will clasp A ball, a book, a sweetheart’s hand A diploma, briefcase, wedding band. Tiny hands grow so strong It doesn’t take them very long To snap a shirt, to paint, to draw To labor hard, to drive a car. Tiny hands grow to be A […]

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