Monthly Archives: January 2010

Day 14 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

I’d hope to think that I’m not alone in the predicament I find myself in on a daily basis. It’s not life critical by any stretch of the imagination (although my husband would probably beg to differ) but some days, as evident by the screams and cries, you would think that might be the case. […]

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Beautiful {Brisbane Family Photographer}

Shhhh! I’ll tell you a little secret. When I first started out in photography ‘families’ scared me! I don’t know what it was but I used to dread them – I kinda thought I was a ‘kid’ photographer; that I wasn’t good with grown up people (that’s the kid in me talking)! But oh how […]

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Day 13 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

I mentioned a few days back how delighted I am to have daughters. Well along with the delight comes despair; despair at having to one day deal with two teenage daughters and all the not so wonderful things that go with it! Lily is my princess (or daddy’s more to the point). She is all […]

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