Monthly Archives: January 2010

Day 12 {Brisbane Baby Photographer}

At 16 you might think you and your best mate are going to grow up, get married and have babies together. Your weddings will be a month apart (just so you can make sure each other isn’t on their honeymoon), your babies will be born at the same time (give or take a week), and […]

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Triple Delight {Brisbane Newborn Photography}

This past weekend I had the absolute pleasure of meeting this gorgeous little family that’s just gone from 3 to 5! Little Jake and Ella arrived at the beginning on December – a little brother and sister to Emily. They were the perfect little models for me. They even fell asleep together (if only for […]

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Day 11 {Brisbane Baby Photographer}

Six months ago today she arrived – another girl I never knew I needed. After Byron was born I dreamed about having a girl. In fact, I longed for a little princess. As mothers of daughters will know, there is something quite special about having a little girl…a lifetime of chit chat; shopping; clothes; and […]

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