Day 7 {Brisbane Photographer}

This photo a day challenge, is where I embark on the epic, personal journey to take one photograph every day for the month of January, of the things that are important to me.

I don’t believe, in my living memory, I’ve ever experienced so much rain. Honestly, it seems to be raining every other day these days. Sure, there has been the odd sunny day, but it’s just that – ODD.

This morning it poured. Rained so hard. I’m not surprised. I never am these days. My kids (aka Byron) have all but become obsessed with the weather channel, updating me every 5 minutes on the status of the radar, the nature of the rain fall, prospective hail, wind and even snow. Thankfully, there has been no snow, but rain – there has been plenty of that. The road behind our house flooded again. Byron provided me with a running commentary on the rising level of the water and insisted I check out every car that proceeded to drive through it, all whilst standing on his shelf peering out his bedroom window. Lily just cried because she couldn’t see anything.

The rain stopped just as Grandma dropped by on her way to work. So, in the interests of curbing anymore rain/flood conversation,  I thought a little trip to the ‘flood’ would ease curious minds. I was right – definitely a highlight of my children’s week. I have no doubt.

And a couple more…

by nicolera


January 8, 2011 - 7:04 pm

Whint - Its amazing how much kids love seeing flood water…..D-Man loved it when daddy took him earlier in the week too… very cute!

January 9, 2011 - 8:13 am

Carla Busk - Looks like the kids loved it:). Hope it doesn’t get worse. All this rain is hurting so many people it’s sad, but kids always find joy where we see a hassle:). We’ve been so lucky here, right in between all the flooding but not effected thank god.

January 11, 2011 - 10:39 am

Karen Pfeiffer - OMG I can’t believe the rain! I love this photo – it just goes to show how loving Lily and Byron are, looking after Willow as she goes on an adventure. They’re such lovely kids, Nic. You should be so proud xx

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