Day 14 {Brisbane Photographer}

This photo a day challenge, is where I embark on the epic, personal journey to take one photograph every day for the month of January, of the things that are important to me.

multitasking (mul·ti·task·ing)– noun
Kick a ball to son and take a photograph at the same time all whilst watching baby, so proud, slide down the slippery slide all by herself not forgetting to listen to the squeals of Cinderella, in the distance, clad with make-up, jumping ever so high on the trampoline.

by nicolera


January 14, 2011 - 9:16 pm

Jennifer Stocks - You are just so clever, and your words are even more so! Love this heaps and heaps and heaps!!!!

January 14, 2011 - 9:46 pm

Emilia - Superwoman! :)

January 14, 2011 - 10:05 pm

Simone - you crack me up – love the proud look Willow is giving you after sliding down!! Priceless.

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