Day 4 {Brisbane Children’s Photographer}

This photo a day challenge, is where I embark on the epic, personal journey to take one photograph every day for the month of January, of the things that are important to me.

You know those days you want to always remember…the ones where everything seems too perfect to be true?

It’s those days where the sun shines happy and bright.

Where the children are so content, happy and occupied you have to remind them to eat.

Where you forget about the worry that is life, and you take a moment to just be.

Those days where you close your eyes, and soak up the sun’s warm embrace. Or you observe the way the sun makes the water more beautiful than a sparkling diamond.

It’s a day where you really, truly, stand back and appreciate how lucky you are to be there, in that moment, on that day, surrounded by so much beauty.

Well, that day was my day.

January 4, 2013 - 8:54 pm

Jen Stocks - Sounds like the best kind of day in the world! Wish we were there to share in it with you guys! This is such a gorgeous shot of your little firecracker!

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